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h Tg940 o=o Brivanib PrPmyc homogenate followed by elution with a scrambled version of the myc peptide. In the eluates from 4A6-coupled beads Identification of PrPmyc -containing protein complexes Neuropathology in inoculated PrPo=o mice myc To investigate whether PrPmyc can be converted into myctagged PK-resistant PrPSc even in the absence of a wild-type PrP myc o=o allele, we inoculated PrPmyc mice with RML prions. No PrPSc was detected in brain and spleen at 50 to 100 days after ic or ip 24900801 o=o inoculation, yet 8 of 34 PrPmyc mice eventually developed a progressive neurological syndrome clinically indistinguishable from scrapie after RML inoculation. Brain homogenate from these sick mice was then used to inoculate a second Interactome of Myc-Tagged PrP 5 Interactome of Myc-Tagged PrP POM1 to PrP and 4A6 to myc were used for detection. Samples were treated with PK as indicated, revealing the presence of protease resistant PrPmyc z=o in the brain of inoculated Tg940 PrPmyc mice. Similar neuropathological changes in hippocampus of a RML inoculated Prnp+/o mouse and a RML-inoculated Tg940 PrPmyc mouse. Hematoxylin-eosin stains showing vacuolar degeneration and nerve cell loss. The dashed lines indicate the magnified area shown in F,G,J and K. Scale bar = 500 mm. GFAP immunohistochemistry for the detection of reactive astrocytes and mAb SAF84 for PrP aggregates. Scale bar = 200 mm. The small inserts represent the low magnification pictures of the GFAP and SAF84 stained sections consecutive to E and H. Scale bar = 500 mm. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0004446.g002 . The signal for M6a from the specific elution shows two strong bands most probably originating from alternative splicing. For both Neurofascin and M6a, the protein expression o=o level in wt and Tg940 PrPmyc brain were approximately the same as illustrated in Fig. 4EF. Discussion Our understanding of the function of PrPC and its conversion into PrPSc continues to be sketchy. Genetic experiments have helped defining the domains of PrPC necessary for prion propagation and, with some limitations, for PrPC function, yet have failed to identify any further proteins that may be required for this process. However, progress in this field may crucially benefit from enumerating and/or manipulating the PrP-interacting proteome. Towards the latter goals, we have studied the biogenesis, localization in vitro and in vivo of a Cterminally myc-tagged version of PrPC. Since the physiological function of PrPC is unknown, we used a wellestablished approach of reverse genetics to assay the biological activity of PrPmyc. 23388095 This approach is so far the most proximal surrogate to study the function of PrP. We found PrPmyc to be fully functional and substitute dosage-dependently for endogenous PrP in rescuing the neurodegenerative phenotype induced by PrPDF. Conversion of cellular prion protein PrPC into the diseasecausing isoform PrPSc is the central pathogenic process in prion diseases. Therefore, any claim of the biological authenticity of a modified PrP protein should be substantiated by its ability to sustain prion replication. We approached this important question in a variety of paradigms. Whereas direct intracerebral inoculation o=o of PrPmyc transgenic mice with prions rarely induced scrapie, we found that in the presence of a wild-type Prnp allele PrPmyc is converted into a PK-resistant isoform. The disease of myc prion-infected PrPz=o mice was transmissible by ic inoculation of myc brain homogenates to wild-typ

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Author: PDGFR inhibitor